“People are your most important asset. Your technologies, products and structures can be copied by competitors. No one, however, can match your highly charged, motivated people who take on your strategy as their job. People are your firm's repository of knowledge and drivers of value, and they are central to your company's competitive advantage. Well educated, coached, and highly motivated people are critical to the development and execution of strategies, especially in today's faster-paced more perplexing world, where top management alone can no longer assure your firm's competitiveness."
Everything else is subject to “make or buy” decisions and often we’re all buying from the same source. Our business is shaped on the belief that strategically aligned and inspired people, operating within an effective system are the performance edge.
Challenge – Transform the performance management philosophy and approach across the Group
Challenge –Develop a high performance leadership culture at Project Triumph, aligned with the SABMiller values and Leadership Behaviours.
Challenge – Build a strong and committed HR Shared Services culture
Challenge –Assist people of Initiative Media to come to grips with the reality of what it will take to continue to deliver excellent service and solutions to their clients in a highly competitive and cluttered communications industry.
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